Why submitting early?

The 2023 ACEEU Triple E Awards offer two submission deadlines:

16 December 2022 (early bird submission deadline)
23 January 2023 (final submission deadline)

We established the early submission deadline to spread the review process over a longer period of time. This will be of help to us organisers as well as the reviewers as a significant part of the entry evaluation process will already be finished by the final submission deadline, ultimately enabling us to present the shortlisted institutions within just 4 weeks after the final deadline.


Secured presentation opportunity

As a “thank you” for submitting early, all finalists who have submitted early will be given a presentation slot at the 2023 ACEEU Stakeholders Forum (the event into which the Triple E Awards Ceremony is integrated). As presentation slots are limited, we will only be able to give some of the finalists who submitted after the early bird deadline the same opportunity.


Get it out of the way

By submitting your entry already in December, you will be able to get this element off your task list and free your mind. “The more time we have available or a task, the more time we will use for it, without necessarily better results.” :-)


Make time for another submission

Submitting an entry early does not mean that you cannot submit another entry by the final deadline. Take the experience from writing your first entry and use it to submit another entry, potentially with some (other) colleagues?!

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