“Read ten thousand books, travel ten thousand miles.” – Gu Wanyu (1613 – 1682.) As an educational institution with a concrete strategy of international engagement, Fuzhou Melbourne Polytechnic (FMP) embodies Gu Wanyu’s aphorism. Through engagement with the international community, FMP aims to train students not only through academic excellence, but with an authentic ‘international vision,’ an understanding and awareness of international rules and the possession of international professional standards. FMP is a Sino-foreign cooperative institute between Minjiang University and Melbourne Polytechnic in Australia - one of the first of its kind in China. A key way in which FMP pursues international engagement is through facilitating overseas study for its students. To this end, FMP maintains a ‘Study Abroad Department.’ A number of FMP students and graduates have won awards in areas where international engagement has proven to be helpful and many go on to work for multinationals and export-oriented companies. Gu Wanyu is also known for his statement: ‘The fate of the nation is the business of all.’ It is FMP’s contention that international engagement in personal and professional development is a way to guarantee prosperity and give back to the community and to society.