
Lifetime Achievement in Entrepreneurship Award

Edi Noersasongko

Finalist of the Lifetime Achievement in Entrepreneurship Award


"Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, For A Better Future"

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The Award Ceremony for this entry (award category "Lifetime Achievement in Entrepreneurship ") will take place on 27 June 2023, 17:30 to 18:30 CEST.


Prof. Edi Noersasongko is deserved to be awarded this category since his track record in entrepreneurship since he was young. As an entrepreneur, he has the crucial character that proves what he began is showing good progress. He founded a small computer training institute, which computer science was so unpopular in 1986, and turns it into a university based IT since 2000, trusted by society, official goverment, and industries. As an entrepreneur, He also combines IT and entrepreneurship to be applied in campus, in all faculty. The combination does not only impact to students who are oblige to take the course, but it also impacts to staffs and lecturers to create their own business. Prof. Edi Noersasongko does not stop spreading the entrepreneurship in the campus area. Under the management of Udinus Business Incubator Department, Prof. Edi supports the students to join entrepreneurship competition and guarantee that students receive facilities such as coaching and assisting. These achievements come from Prof. Edi Noersasongko as an entrepreneur. The one who is visioner, looking for opportunities, and persistance.



Impacting lifes

Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) once was only a small training institute which was unpopular. Many people have not realise the needs of computer and the computerization itself in 1986 when Prof. Edi Noersasongko first founded the institution. Some people even was in doubt to his effort in working related to computer and IT. However, his willingness to develop the institution received supports from his staffs. Therefore, together with his staffs, he learnt from other institutions, partners, and governments.

As the institution grows bigger and society own the trust in Udinus as the leading IT based university, Prof. Edi meets obstacle about social phenomenon faced by every university, the competition in getting job. As an entrepreneur, he changed his students’ mind-set that job is not to be seeked, but job can be created. Therefore, he planned entrepreneurship course and obliged all students from each faculty, not only in Faculty of Economics and Business, to take the course. Lately, he satisfies with the impact of that course because it shows some successful achievements from the alumni. Some alumni create their own business after graduation, and some students even run their business when they are about to graduate. The impact results how he is able to help the social phenomenon of seeking job.


Lessons learned

“Do not be the audience, but do something and implement the concept of empty but contained” is a quote that Prof. Edi Noersasongko believes when he started running his business. He believes that every business can be run if someone dares to start. After he finds his bravery, he needs also to build the character of an entrepreneur such as visionary, curious, and persistence. Visionary means that he is able, or at least he dares, to guess what is need in the future to plan strategy for his business. A business is a flexible thing that needs to be adjusted. Curious in this case means that he needs to be curious what happens at the current time so that he will look for something new to be implemented in his business. Lastly, every effort that he starts and every decision he makes always meets obstacle, so that he needs to be persistence to be on track of what he does since the first place.

Beyond those advices above, what Prof. Edi truly believes is what he achieves depends on what he gives. As a religious person, he could do nothing without the blessing of God, and the blessing is received faster when he shares what he has.


What's coming?

Prof. Edi Noersasongko plans to globalize the institution to go internationally. As he has partners in some abroad institutions, he would like to spread the more through former partners. He would not only promote his IT and entrepreneurship in Udinus, but he would also share culture and tradition in Indonesia, especially Semarang. He plans to open a scholarship for students who want to undertake mobility program and to undergo a summer camp program.


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