
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support of the Year Award

Haddad Entrepreneurship Institute

Finalist of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support of the Year Award

Nova School of Business and Economics - Portugal

"Embedding entrepreneurship in the DNA of the new Generation."

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The Haddad Entrepreneurship Institute (HEI) is part of Nova School of Business and Economics (Nova SBE), one of the top leading business schools in Europe. The Institute is the result of a partnership between Nova SBE and the Haddad Foundation, having the goal to further develop education, research, and support the entrepreneurial ecosystem from Nova SBE, Portugal and abroad. We aim to empower students with an entrepreneurial mindset and help them navigate the different resources available. We do this by 1) designing a focused learning experience, 2) developing complementary hands-on programs, 3) working closely with startups and the entrepreneurial ecosystem, and 4) building a wide entrepreneurial community around Nova SBE.
The institute exists since 2018 and it already impacted +900 students and +200 startups that participated in events and programs led by the HEI. Our initiatives range from an academic perspective intervention (entrepreneurship area of expertise, entrepreneurship workprojects and workshops), support to students (internship program with startups, community of early-stage student entrepreneurs), support to entrepreneurs and startups (incubation and mentoring program) and an overall interaction with the broad entrepreneurial and startup ecosystem (startups acceleration and open innovation programs). We are closely integrated with Nova SBE academia, knowledge centres and student clubs, potentiating their initiatives and impact through our institute and actions with entrepreneurs and startups. Furthermore, we promote joint initiatives with external ecosystem players (incubators, hubs, accelerators), as well as with corporates (private sector) and the public sector, with some of our programs being developed within the triple helix approach.

Key People

Prof. Euclides Major
Executive Director Nova SBE Haddad Entrepreneurship Institute
Haddad Entrepreneurship Institute,  Nova School of Business and Economics

Prof. Rui Silva
Academic Director – Chair
Haddad Entrepreneurship Institute,  Nova School of Business and Economics

Prof. Ricardo Zózimo
Assistant Professor
Faculty,  Nova School of Business and Economics

António Carvalho
Program Coordinator
Haddad Entrepreneurship Institute,  Nova School of Business and Economics

Joana Barba
Program Manager
Haddad Entrepreneurship Institute,  Nova School of Business and Economics

Mariana Baptista
Program and Community Manager
Haddad Entrepreneurship Institute,  Nova School of Business and Economics

Teresa Graça
Program Manager
Haddad Entrepreneurship Institute,  Nova School of Business and Economics



Impacting lifes

Martim Clara is a recent alumnus from Nova SBE, with a very entrepreneurial-oriented profile. He had very good results during his academic path. For the Master’s workproject he developed a thesis for Indie Campers, a startup founded by a Nova SBE alumnus, having the challenge to help it launch a second-hand global marketplace for campervans. Indie Campers is successfully implementing phase one of the plan. Euclides Major was the advisor of his workproject.
After that experience, driven by his motivation to develop an entrepreneurial project, Martim joined a bootstrapped blue economy startup, Blue Oasis Technology, as a co-founder. Five months later, the startup was admitted to the acceleration program “Blue Bio Value”. This program aims to facilitate the development of marine bio-based ideas and projects, and to bridge the gap between academic research and the market. Martim and his team were the winners of the 4th edition with their innovative smart reef and underwater data platform technology. They are currently developing four engineered reef pilot projects in Portugal and abroad. This startup is now an active member of our Founder’s Community.


Lessons learned

Contributing to the education of the future generations by giving back what the educational system allowed us to pursue in the past in terms of development path. A dedicated institute for entrepreneurship allows for the students to acquire entrepreneurial skills valuable not only for the goal of launching an own business but also to have an entrepreneurial mindset for the ones willing to pursue a corporate career.
It’s amazing to develop work in an area where one can deal with people that are a barometer of the trends for the future. Especially at a business school like Nova SBE where there are more than 70 nationalities represented every school year. For the ones defining strategies for the future of their corporations it’s strongly advisable for them to listen from the new generations of students and they are the entrepreneurs and the consumers of the future.


What's coming?

The Institute recently launched a dedicated 300 m2 space, which enable the promotion of workshops, thematic sessions, and conferences about relevant topics to our community of startups and entrepreneurs. We aim to have a strong and fruitful dynamic of initiatives in our space, bringing together students, entrepreneurs, startups, academia, and ecosystem players, to connect and find here a common ground for partnering and networking. We are also committed to grow our community of entrepreneurs and startups, and to align a strategy to address diversity within this workspace. This comes along with a fortified intervention at the academic sphere, with an enhanced alignment between it and the institute. In the upcoming years there is the will of creating a Research centre within the Institute for data analysis regarding the performance of the startup ecosystem both at a national and international level. We also intend to write case studies illustrating not only the success stories but also the biggest failures of startups worldwide.



Startups have engaged in startup programs promoted by the institute


Programs developed to connect, startups, students, and big corporations


Pitches from startups worldwide for big companies and investors


Applications for the programs organized by the institute


Students participated in different events and programs


Views of online content produced by Nova SBE Haddad Entrepreneurship Institute

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