
Female Entrepreneurial Leader of the Year Award

Montserrat Antonin

Finalist of the Female Entrepreneurial Leader of the Year Award

Gimbernat University Schools - Spain

"Disruption as a philosophy. Intrapreneurship as a value"

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The Award Ceremony for this entry (award category "Female Entrepreneurial Leader of the Year ") will take place on 27 June 2023, 17:30 to 18:30 CEST.


Nursing, as such, is a young discipline with only 45 years of immersion in the University. This immersion has been handled by traditional technical and biomedical paradigms. His conceptual framework and scientific corpus have shown that there may be a different way of conceiving the profession, from the autonomy that his own role gives him and that, traditionally, he has not developed as firmly as he has done in other fields. considered “traditional” as nursing procedures and techniques. On the other hand, the University is an institution committed to society that fully understands that in order to achieve this goal it must promote its innovative culture and generate knowledge with “market” value and knowledge transfer. Creativity, motivation and the will to start a business are part of a university model geared towards innovation and entrepreneurship.
So why not take a look at nursing studies that deconstructs the traditional paradigm of the discipline and fosters an innovative culture aimed at creating entrepreneurial DNA in future professionals?The training itineraries called “Nursing, innovation and digital health” and “Leadership, innovation and advanced practice nursing” that share the subject “Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Nursing”, and the activities presented are designed to respond to new needs of the profession and society. This training is unique within the university studies of nursing degree and unpublished in Europe and highlights that the transformation of the traditional paradigm is possible and that it is possible to carry out a training "thinking out of the box" more important than ever in this society. post-covid

Key People

Prof. Mercè Muñoz Gimeno. MSN. RN
Titular professor of the subject "Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Nursing" . Coordinator of the Extracurricular Program "Open Thinking, Program for entrepreneurial students"
University School of Nursing. Gimbernat University Schools,  Gimbernat University Schools Private Foundation

Prof. Pilar Fernández Narvaez MSN. RN.
Degree Coordinator
University School of Nursing. Gimbernat University Schools,  Gimbernat University Schools Private Foundation

Sr. David Ventura Jimenez
Managing Director
Gimbernat University Schools,  Gimbernat University Schools Private Foundation


3_Teaching Team


Impacting lifes

G. Mifsut (1983) is an example of what it means to train students to position them in the new contexts that are developing in nursing practice with an open, critical and creative vision of the profession to practice it beyond environments and traditional nursing competencies.
She studies the itinerary “Nursing, innovation and digital Health” that presents the subject “Innovation and entrepreneurship in nursing”. Within this subject, he develops the project "Healthy Beast", intended to create electronic applications for health chosen to present in the "Open Thinking" Program. Her project is chosen by the court, which introduces it to a mentoring program for young entrepreneurs, developing it and creating a trademark.
A year later, she studies the Official Master's Degree in Research and Innovation in Nursing and in 2021 ThePowerMBA .
Her passion for innovation and entrepreneurship leads her to create an application that aims to train nurses in the use of external pacemakers. This application is in prototype phase available for android and IOS. A prototype of another application is currently pending to accompany the patient who will be operated on for cardiac surgery at all stages of the process.
In 2018, the institution where she works presents her to the #TenimTalent Awards, winning the Young Entrepreneur Talent Award. There is no doubt that entrepreneurial DNA has made G. Mifsut a young successful professional.On social media, she defines herself "Love Entrepreneurship & eHealth". Seeing your students "grow" professionally "out of the box" is the best reward as a leader.


Lessons learned

F.Adrià, one of the best chefs in the world, pronounced a phrase that I have made my own: “the first commandment of innovation is that they don't understand you”. This phrase helped me to believe even more in my projects and persevere to achieve them. Nursing education traditionally has been developed under a biomedical paradigm and the proposals to transform the curriculum were not initially understood by the university. I had to do a lot of pedagogy for them to understand why it was necessary to train future nurses under a new paradigm that would break with the strictly technical vision of the profession.
When we implement the OT Program the institutions dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship did not understand why it was necessary to train nursing students in a field strictly aimed at entrepreneurs, freelancers and engineers. Now nobody disputes the need for this training for any discipline.
However the most important and surprising is to see how nursing students generate from the observation they make during their practices, ideas that they transform into health projects and how that entrepreneurial spirit is generated in them. The satisfaction they show, their reflections and the change in perception of what a nurse really is and can be, together with the enormous possibilities of working in emerging fields that they discover at the end of the course, is what really makes sense to continue promoting disruption, innovation and entrepreneurship in the undergraduate studies of our degree.
My advice? Believe, work hard and persevere. What


What's coming?

The 2020 pandemic has marked a moment of crisis and disruption that has made us even more aware of the new challenges that lie ahead. A "soft city" has been shown to be a city that has a direct impact on the health of its citizens. Training in environmental education and sustainability will be one of the basic tools to train future health professionals (and therefore nurses) in improving the quality of life of people and the community.
Instilling a culture for the environment and sustainability should already be a priority and be part of the new roles that nurses will have to develop in the not too distant future, especially from primary care centers.
We are facing a culture under construction as it has been with the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, and universities cannot be oblivious to introducing this culture to future professionals.
That is why I am working on a project that allows the Nursing EU to raise the need to introduce this vision in the curricular programs of our career so that future professionals can practice the profession from a holistic perspective and with sustainability criteria.
Only then will they be able to promote and lead this change. A second objective is to be able to join the Barcelona + Sustainable Network to develop, together with other universities in the network, an Action Plan and Good Practices suitable for nursing studies. This is our challenge for the future.


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