
Male Entrepreneurship Educator of the Year Award

Samer Yammine

Finalist of the Male Entrepreneurship Educator of the Year Award

Karolinska Institute - Sweden

"Empower minds, ignite ideas - Teach through entrepreneuring!"

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(Unit for Bioentrepreneurship, Karolinska Institute)

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The Award Ceremony for this entry (award category "Male Entrepreneurship Educator of the Year ") will take place on 27 June 2023, 17:30 to 18:30 CEST.


I had the vision to revolutionize entrepreneurship education at medical universities. I designed the course "Exploring Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Research," which emphasized problem-based and experiential learning approaches to help PhD students, researchers, and scientists tap into their intellectual assets and provide the necessary tools to highlight the value within their daily research. My course was unlike any traditional PhD program; it focused on developing soft skills and value-creation tools not typically taught in academic settings. I encouraged students to grow their business plans and pitch them to a panel of entrepreneurs and investors, allowing them to turn their research into successful ventures.

But I didn't stop there. Collaboration and interdisciplinary elements were crucial to my work; by partnering with several universities in the Nordic region, we created a collaborative and innovative learning environment, a school of health innovation and entrepreneurship. We pooled our resources, expertise, and networks to develop a comprehensive and practical educational approach addressing the healthcare sector's complex and multi-faceted challenges. In addition, we worked closely with external stakeholders such as hospitals, healthcare companies, and venture capital firms to ensure that our program aligned with the healthcare industry's needs and goals and created value for patients and society.

My passion for entrepreneurship education led me to design weekend workshops and bootcamps that went beyond building skills in entrepreneurship and into a more holistic approach that included self-awareness, entrepreneurial wellbeing, and experimenting with business model tokenization.

Key People

Dr. Samer Yammine
Entrepreneur in Residence at the Unit for Bioentrepreneurship & Faculty at the Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship
Learning Informatics Management and Ethics (LIME),  Karolinska Institute


It is with great pleasure that I express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to the team of entrepreneurial educators with whom I have had the privilege of working at our esteemed medical university. Working alongside these individuals has been an exceptional experience that has enriched my professional and personal growth in countless ways.

Our collective effort to innovate and embrace novel approaches to education, particularly by incorporating an entrepreneurial mindset in our teaching, has been a source of tremendous inspiration and learning. Through our shared dedication to advancing education, we have been able to create a supportive and dynamic learning environment that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration.

As a member of this team, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of entrepreneurial education. Our efforts have enabled us to equip our students with the tools they need to thrive in today's rapidly evolving and increasingly complex world. By fostering an entrepreneurial mindset in our students, we have empowered them to approach challenges with a growth-oriented and adaptable mindset, enabling them to become the leaders and innovators of tomorrow.


Biomimicry in Entrepreneurship

Executive Education for Nordic Professors Leaders

Frugal Innovation Bootcamp Cape Town with locals

Frugal Innovation Team Building

Future Health Innovators, Health Innovation School

Medical Innovation Bootcamp, Stockholm Archipelago

Frugal Innovation at Philipi Village, Cape Town, South Africa

Business Model Tokenization Weekend Workshop

Taking Entrepreneurship to a 1086m high Table Mountain, Cape Town

Celebrating Health Innovators Achievements at the Nordic School of Health Innovation and Entrepreneurship


Impacting lifes

As we walked the township streets in Philipi Village, we couldn't help but notice the struggles faced by its residents. The resources were scarce, and the challenges were plenty. But amidst all of this, there was a glimmer of hope in the form of the frugal innovation bootcamp.

This bootcamp was not your typical classroom experience. Instead, it took us deep into the heart of the community, where we learned hands-on about frugal innovation and the chance to make a real difference in people's lives.

The most incredible part of this experience was how it transformed us all. As we worked alongside locals and immersed ourselves in the community, we gained a new perspective on life. We saw the resilience and determination of people who faced adversity daily, and their strength humbled us. We witnessed firsthand how these principles of frugal innovation could create value and solve problems in an environment with limited resources.

But the impact didn't end there. Looking back on this experience, I'm filled with pride and gratitude. The frugal innovation bootcamp was genuinely transformative and a shining example of the power of education and collaboration to create positive change. This bootcamp stands out by its ability to bring together people from different backgrounds and cultures, all united by a common goal - to learn and make a positive impact in the world. As a result, participants forged lasting connections with each other and the local community, creating a sense of solidarity that transcended borders and boundaries.


Lessons learned

Entrepreneurship is essential for translating medical or scientific research into tangible results to impact society. With the rapid pace of innovation, conducting scientific research and publishing papers is no longer sufficient. Entrepreneurs are crucial in taking research out of the lab and bringing it to the marketplace. This is why entrepreneurship education has become increasingly important in the academic landscape.

To be most effective, entrepreneurship education must be interdisciplinary. It is not enough to teach business skills but also to incorporate technical and scientific knowledge. Therefore, the best entrepreneurship programs bring together students from various backgrounds, including business, science, engineering, and the humanities, to collaborate on real-world problems.
An entrepreneurship mindset should initiate at the top of the leadership pyramid setting the tone for a culture of innovation and risk-taking. For example, where professors and clinicians conducting research, developing novel technologies, and supervising doctoral students encouraging individuals to take ownership and responsibility for their work fosters a culture of innovation and creativity.

Entrepreneurial skills have become a must-have to transition from academia to industry. This is because entrepreneurial skills, such as creativity, innovation, and problem-solving, are highly valued by employers. Finally, it is essential to note that entrepreneurship is human-centred. Successful entrepreneurs are those who can identify and meet the needs of their customers. This means entrepreneurship education must focus on business skills and understanding human behaviour and psychology. By doing so, students will be better equipped to develop products and services that genuinely meet the needs of their customers.


What's coming?

Entrepreneurship is a dynamic and challenging field that demands a constant reevaluation of strategies and techniques to remain competitive. As we look to the future, three key themes emerge co-creation with AI, addressing failure, frustration, fear, and interdisciplinary co-teaching.

Co-creation with AI is an emerging trend. Advances in machine learning and AI technologies are changing the way we approach business problems. Co-creation with AI can streamline decision-making, automate tedious tasks, and improve efficiency. However, integrating AI into entrepreneurship requires a new mindset and skillset, including understanding the technology, its use, and how to leverage it effectively.

Failure, frustration, and fear are also critical themes in entrepreneurship. These emotions are a natural part of the entrepreneurial process but can be daunting for many individuals. Therefore, it is essential to address these emotions proactively, providing support and guidance for entrepreneurs. Educators can play a critical role in this process by teaching resilience, emotional intelligence, and coping strategies for managing stress and anxiety.

Finally, interdisciplinary teaching of entrepreneurship is critical for preparing the next generation of entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship involves many different skills and perspectives, including design, humanities, and behavioural psychology. By incorporating these various perspectives into entrepreneurship education, students can develop a more comprehensive understanding of the entrepreneurial process and gain practical skills they can apply in the real world.

Overall, the future of entrepreneurship involves integrating AI, addressing the emotional challenges of the entrepreneurial process, and co-teaching. Preparing entrepreneurs to face the ever-changing entrepreneurship landscape is essential as we look ahead.



Students and Participants


National and international talks


Co-Raised Funding


Graduate Courses Developed


Prestigious Awards Received


Business Tools Mastered


Nordic Educational Institutions covered


Startups intiated

50k €

Rewards to Student's Innovators PITCHING Finalists


Countries and Cultures represented our student's background and diversity

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