As an entrepreneurship educator and author, I embrace the philosophy of “educational mindfulness.” Mindfulness implies a heightened sense of consciousness, awareness and sensitivity towards others and environment. It is implemented through thinking, feeling and doing. In my daily work, this means conducting meaningful research that change lives, teaching courses that stirs passion and inclusiveness in students, and pursuing real-life projects that turn around struggling companies and help countries progress. In the quest for entrepreneurial excellence, this is evident in 3 ways:
Thought leadership (thinking) – I published 10 books on entrepreneurship including a children’s book to introduce innovative entrepreneurial concepts. The edited books assembled international thought leaders and showcased revolutionary ideas.
Passion for diversity and inclusion (feeling) – I co-authored 3 groundbreaking books to aid minority entrepreneurs namely: Hispanic Latino Entrepreneurship, African American Entrepreneurs, and Native American Entrepreneurs. I used book findings to coach minority students and entrepreneurs and promote inclusiveness in the classroom and beyond.
Performance learning (doing) – I encourage students to learn by performing in my classes: Business Creation (competition to create best business plan), International Business (plan venture in a foreign country), Global Business Strategy (real-life strategic plan to turnaround an ailing company or contribute to a country’s economic progress, with findings presentations to CEO’s or Country Ministers). Students did projects for multinational firms and the governments of Ecuador and Liberia.
“Educational mindfulness” inspired entrepreneurial excellence, elevated thinking and practice of diversity and inclusion, and broadened community engagements. It stirred entrepreneurial passion in young leaders and promoted global citizenship.