
Entrepreneurship Educator of the Year Award

Peter Rachor

Finalist of the Entrepreneurship Educator of the Year Award

The University of Auckland - New Zealand

"It's not about ideas, it's about making ideas happen!"

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The Award Ceremony for this entry (award category "Entrepreneurship Educator of the Year ") will take place on 27 June 2023, 17:30 to 18:30 CEST.


Peter is the driving force behind the University of Auckland’s audacious Hynds Entrepreneurial Fellows programme.

The Hynds Entrepreneurial Curricular programme was developed by Business School leadership as a “moon-shot” programme. University leadership identified that, as New Zealand’s leading University, the University of Auckland has a responsibility and unique opportunity to shape the perspective of the country’s future leaders and instil a different mindset needed to help transform the country’s economy. The goal is to create an environment that nurtures entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation on a massive scale and helps foster the necessary skills, resources and drive to take that innovation to market globally.
Peter’s role is to embed innovation and entrepreneurship across all faculties and disciplines of the University of Auckland, delivering concepts to students in a language and context that is relevant, familiar and resonates with them and their area of study/discipline. Peter provides expertise and knowledge to support the development of curricula initiatives that introduce and integrate innovation and entrepreneurship concepts strategically across the University.

Achievements to date include integration of Innovation and Entrepreneurship content to fourteen courses across seven faculties. Over the last 3 years more than 8,000 students have been impacted through Hynds initiative curricular activities. Student satisfaction and engagement rates have been remarkably high, and two faculties have signed on to financially support extending the programme, indicating a clear understanding of the value provided.

Key People

Peter Rachor
Professional Teaching Fellow
Business School,  The University of Auckland


The Hynds Foundation has been instrumental in allowing the Hynds Entrepreneurial Fellow Programme to exist and the University of Auckland is immensely grateful for their vision and support.


Peter Rachor

Peter Rachor University of Auckland

Peter Rachor teaching

Peter Rachor teaching a class

Peter Rachor Lean Canvas


Impacting lifes

Participants in the Hynds Entrepreneurial Fellows Programme have appreciated the expertise and opportunities the programmes have afforded to breathe new life into a wide range of programmes.
Peter collaborated with Associate Professor Shane Scahill to integrate best practice innovation, business model and entrepreneurship content in the language of the pharmacist, healthcare systems and DHB funding models in support of the Integrated Project for PHARM 412, Pharmacy 5, the 45-point capstone paper for all Bachelor of Pharmacy students.

Associate Professor Scahill says “Pharmacists often have a dual role of being business owners and health care providers. If they are in the public system as hospital pharmacists, they need to be equally innovative to deliver the services expected of them. We met with Peter Rachor late in 2019 and outlined our programme and our interest in infusing these threads into our courses. From the “get go” Peter has been very proactive about supporting this. We want to thank the University and the donors (Hynds Family) for providing access to resources of this nature.”


Lessons learned

“An entrepreneurial mindset is important to everyone, and especially students we are preparing to take on the challenges of the future. It helps develop problem-solving and solution-seeking skills in everyone and demystifies things that sound daunting. It shows students in everything from music to philosophy, pharmacy to biochemistry, software engineering to philosophy, how to be part of developing new things and how they can use their skills, knowledge, and passion to get good things done whilst navigate the uncertainty of developing something new and necessitating change.” says Peter on the value of integrating Entrepreneurship and Innovation into curricula.

Students talk of hopes and aspirations for their future, along with that of the planet, institutions, and Governments. Approaching these problems first with a lens of curiosity and empathy, and then using their collective intelligence, living experienced and trainings, as well as working through the significant challenges of implementation and delivery, prepares them for their roles and team members, citizens, and changemakers. Understanding the ambiguity, uncertainty, and risk inherent in this process helps to foster collaboration, trust, and resiliency in students of all ages and backgrounds to prepare for the bright and opportunistic future.


What's coming?

Having made good inroads into delivering entrepreneurial learning experiences to students across a wide range of disciplines, interests, and backgrounds, my next opportunity, working closely with colleagues throughout the University is to embed these foundations in all or most programmes within the institution as part of the rollout of our University of Auckland Taumata Teitei strategic plan, involves integrating Entrepreneurship and Innovation pedagogy holistically, being careful to embrace, social, economic, environmental, and indigenous opportunities as we do so. Further, the institution’s imperatives around introducing Transdiciplinarity and the importance of place offer platforms and forums for greater collaboration with colleagues in achieving these goals.



students impacted through Hynds initiative curricular activities


Courses with Innovation and Entrepreneurship content integrated


Faculties with Innovation and Entrepreneurship content integrated


Most recent “overall satisfied” rate, following participation in the Hynds programme

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