[The Faculty of Management Technology at the German University in Cairo (https://mgt.guc.edu.eg) was able to gather the consensus and will of the international community to establish Management and Sustainability: An Arab Review (MSAR) journal. MSAR has an editorial board of more than 50 scholars from all over the world. It is the first scholarly platform to address the sustainability needs pertinent to Arab communities. Theoretically, despite emergent scholarly research on sustainability in the Arab world (especially North Africa) that is published sporadically in leading management journals, no dedicated well-regarded research platform/forum (journal) exists to compile, build on and develop this conversation to-date. On a practical level, Arab countries are in serious need to advance discussions on the sustainability and UN-SDGs discourse on their road towards development. The rationale behind MSAR is therefore to agglomerate research under the broad umbrella of "management and sustainability" especially in Arab countries because this is underrepresented in the international literature. To-date, MSAR journal in just a little more than a year was able to successfully expanded its editorial review board and publish 3 international issues on pertinent topics related to different facets of sustainability and the SDGs. The journal readership also has expanded greatly. The issues can be viewed at the journal website (https://emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/msar).]