For over a decade, the Dunin-Deshpande Queen’s Innovation Centre (DDQIC) at Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada has committed to fostering entrepreneurship education, grounded in the belief that everyone has the potential for creative problem-solving to positively impact society. DDQIC has designed an entrepreneurship curriculum and innovative programs with validated success helping aspiring innovators globally. In 2020, in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation, DDQIC identified that more employment opportunities were needed to meet the demands of Africa’s booming workforce and that DDQIC’s proven entrepreneurship curriculum was an effective solution for transforming job seekers into job creators. DDQIC used its expertise to launch the Jim Leech Mastercard Foundation Fellowship on Entrepreneurship (JLMCF), a low-cost, virtual training program that leverages accessible online learning technologies at scale to help university students and recent graduates in Africa create business ventures. Through program evaluation, participants have reported impacts including increased entrepreneurial mindset, job creation, revenue generation, and life satisfaction. After 3 years of programming, JLMCF engaged over 3800 African leaders of tomorrow. To scale these impacts, DDQIC has started partnering with African institutions to build embedded capacity and expertise to continue supporting the next generation of African entrepreneurs and developing local economies. For example, in 2022, DDQIC provided curriculum and consultation to five partner institutions in Ghana including the Community and Entrepreneurial Development Initiative. The institutions collectively launched EJobs4All in January 2023, a program that is training 1000 Ghanaian entrepreneurs in its pilot year.