
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Team of the Year Award

Innovative approaches to conducting workshops at a regional university

Finalist of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Team of the Year Award

University of the South Pacific - Fiji

"The Future of Interactive, Student-Centred Learning Support is here!"

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The Award Ceremony for this entry (award category "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Team of the Year ") will take place on 27 June 2023, 18:45 to 19:45 CEST.


The University of the South Pacific is one of the two regional universities in the world with 14 campuses in 12 member countries spread across 33 million sq. kilometres of the Pacific Ocean. It was established in 1968 to provide higher education for regional students. While many students come to Fiji to study, we also have students at our 14 campuses in 12 Pacific Island countries. During COVID-19 the Student Learning Support (SLS) section of the University realised that geographical divide was proving a hurdle in ensuring equity in support for all students. Thus, the team began to package student support in such a way that any student could access this from of USP’s member countries if a catastrophe like COVID-19 happened again. Considering that staff at USP were dealing with a diverse student group in a range of situations, SLS staff made the workshops available at all times of the day and week. SLSL staff also liaised with the university’s Disability Centre to share content for these workshops to be converted into means and modes convenient for learners with disability. Many times, student believe they know it all when it comes to academic skills, to kindle their intrinsic motivation SLS staff added a little pre-test, self-assessment before the students started the workshop and a post-test to measure their achievement. Without the pressure of being assessed students were assessing themselves and upskilling. To further fuel the enthusiasm an achievement certificate was awarded to those who completed 80% of the workshop series.

Key People

Dr Rajni Chand
Centre for Flexible Learning,  University of the South Pacific

Ms. Afshana Anzeg
Team Leader
Student Learning Support: Centre for Flexible Learning,  University of the South Pacific

Ms. Raveena Goundar
Workshop Coordinator
Student Learning Support: Centre for Flexible Learning,  University of the South Pacific


1 Niseta Buatava Content Developer and Editor Student Learning Support
- Centre for Flexible Learning The University of The South Pacific
Samoa Campus

2 Isikeli Content Developer and Editor Student Learning Support – Centre
for Flexible Learning The University of The South Pacific
Tuvalu Campus

3 Iowana Ma’ata Vavana Content Developer and Editor Student Learning
Support – Centre for Flexible Learning The University of The South
Pacific Vanuatu Campus

4 Waisea Tabua Content Developer and Editor Student Learning Support – Centre for Flexible Learning The University of The South Pacific
Vanuatu Campus

5 Paulini Tamaninuve Content Developer and Editor Student Learning Support – Centre for Flexible Learning The University of The South Pacific
Solomon Island Campus

6 Jiupili Content Developer and Editor Student Learning Support – Centre for Flexible Learning The University of The South Pacific
Labasa Campus

7 Shaleshni Prasad Content Developer and Editor Student Learning Support – Centre for Flexible Learning The University of The South Pacific
Lautoka Campus

8 Jane Kanas Content Developer and Editor Student Learning Support – Centre for Flexible Learning The University of The South Pacific
Lautoka Campus

9 Pauline Ryland Content Developer and Editor Student Learning Support – Centre for Flexible Learning The University of The South Pacific

10 Joceyln Devi Content Developer Student Learning Support – Centre for Flexible Learning The University of The South Pacific

11 Alanieta Lesuma-Fatiaki Moodle designing and vetting questions suitable for Moodle learning system Instructional Designer- Centre for Flexible Learning The University of The South Pacific

12 Salanieta Saratibau Uploading of modules on SLS Moodle page Education Technologist- Centre for Flexible Learning The University of The South Pacific


USP Region Map

Online Workshop Flyer

USP Regional Campus Student Workshop Data

Students with a SLS staff during a workshop

Attempting workshop in open air

Students during Online Workshop orientation at a regional campus

Students online at a regional computer lab

SLS - Student workshop consultations with SLS staff at Lautoka Campus


Impacting lifes

The SLS Online Interactive Workshops have become a beacon of hope for students who are striving to achieve academic excellence. These workshops have made a significant impact on the way students approach their studies. In its first year of offer, as the workshops gained popularity more students attempted them. More than 24000 active students can access them and over 5074 students attempted them in the first year of implementation with an increase in regional students attempting these workshops.
Academic teaching staff recognised the usefulness of these workshops and embedded them as part of the course assessment. This helped students prepare with the necessary skills before they attempted an assignment in a course they were studying. The workshops upskilled them with the techniques, motivation, knowledge, and the support they needed to succeed.
These workshops resulted in equity and broke the geographical divide and isolation found in universities like USP. Regardless of where a student is based these workshops are just a click away and the students interacted virtually with live chat support, so no student is never left to struggle alone or in isolation.
In developing the content, 15 Student Learning Specialists applied their years of experience and knowledge of students' challenges to develop a product that has been very well received by students.
The impact of the SLS Online Workshops on student learning is palpable. These workshops have transformed the way students approach their studies, providing them with a transformative learning experience that empowers them to achieve their academic goals.


Lessons learned

The 2020 COVID 19 lockdown taught everyone a lot. Universities went into lockdown and delivery of core courses was a priority. At USP, support services had to make do with whatever online slots that were available after the demands of core courses were met to reach out to remote students. The SLS staff knew that at a time when students needed the most support, they could not be. From these challenges, the SLS team started packaging support that was online, self-paced, interactive and student centred. These 20 online workshop modules were piloted giving access to 18000 students spread over 12 Pacific Island countries at any given time. In 2021 when a larger scale lockdown occurred, USP was ready.
Converting workshops to online modules was met with mixed feelings however the uptake of 5074 students from across 14 campuses really took the team by surprise. Except for two courses where the course coordinators instructed the students, the rest of the students did the workshop to evaluate and upskill themselves.
In 2020 80 workshops were conducted on the main campus, of which 13 were unique and 67 were repeats costing approximately $8676.50 (58 working days) to prepare and deliver. In 2021, with 20 online workshop modules 5074 sessions were done free online.
Taking support to the student turf available whenever the student needed it resulted in a huge success for the Support Team. A lesson we learnt from this innovation is that the current generation of learners are ready to take ownership of their learning needs.


What's coming?

The SLS Online Workshops have been a huge success, empowering thousands of students to achieve academic excellence in a vastly scattered and diverse learning environment. Looking ahead, the team has several exciting plans to enhance the workshops even further.
Firstly, the team plans to create question banks for all 20 modules, giving students more opportunities to reinforce their knowledge and test their understanding. This will add a layer of interactivity and engagement to the workshops.
Secondly, the team plans to gather feedback from students to improve existing modules and add more generic topics that are relevant to a wider range of courses. This will ensure that the workshops remain current and effective for all students, regardless of their field of study.
Thirdly, the team plans to examine the modules with course coordinators who are using them as part of their assessments, to ensure that the workshops are aligned with course content and assessment standards.
Finally, the team plans to conduct a general survey with active staff and students about the workshops, seeking feedback on the overall experience and areas for improvement.
In conclusion, the SLS team is committed to continuously improving and enhancing the workshops to ensure that they remain a valuable resource for students seeking to achieve academic excellence. By creating question banks, soliciting student feedback, vetting modules with course coordinators, and conducting surveys, the team is taking proactive steps to ensure that the workshops remain engaging, effective, and relevant for years to come.



Students attempted the Interactive Workshop Module in the 1st year of implementation.


Total number of students having access to the modules


Number of Online Workshop modules


Number of countries from where students can attempt the online workshops. USP has 14 campuses and sub campuses in total.


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