The University of the South Pacific is one of the two regional universities in the world with 14 campuses in 12 member countries spread across 33 million sq. kilometres of the Pacific Ocean. It was established in 1968 to provide higher education for regional students. While many students come to Fiji to study, we also have students at our 14 campuses in 12 Pacific Island countries. During COVID-19 the Student Learning Support (SLS) section of the University realised that geographical divide was proving a hurdle in ensuring equity in support for all students. Thus, the team began to package student support in such a way that any student could access this from of USP’s member countries if a catastrophe like COVID-19 happened again. Considering that staff at USP were dealing with a diverse student group in a range of situations, SLS staff made the workshops available at all times of the day and week. SLSL staff also liaised with the university’s Disability Centre to share content for these workshops to be converted into means and modes convenient for learners with disability. Many times, student believe they know it all when it comes to academic skills, to kindle their intrinsic motivation SLS staff added a little pre-test, self-assessment before the students started the workshop and a post-test to measure their achievement. Without the pressure of being assessed students were assessing themselves and upskilling. To further fuel the enthusiasm an achievement certificate was awarded to those who completed 80% of the workshop series.