
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Team of the Year Award

Three for Virtual Anatomy

Finalist of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Team of the Year Award

Johannes Kepler University - Austria

"Virtual Anatomy – bringing anatomy education into the future"

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The Award Ceremony for this entry (award category "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Team of the Year ") will take place on 27 June 2023, 18:45 to 19:45 CEST.


The JKU medSPACE is a completely new, worldwide unique venue for teaching anatomy, located at the Johannes Kepler University (JKU) in Linz. Developed and implemented by the Ars Electronica Futurelab in cooperation with Prof. Franz Fellner from the JKU and Siemens Healthineers, the JKU medSPACE shows anatomy like never before: in quadruple stereoscopic 3D 4K projection at 14×7 meters. Lecturers and students dive into larger than life, photorealistic 3D images, razor-sharp from all angles and seamlessly zoomable.

The JKU medSpace is operated with the software Virtual Anatomy from the Ars Electronica Futurelab, which is based on the Cinematic Rendering method from Siemens Healthineers and implements a novel and patented interactive volumetric Monte Carlo Path Tracing algorithm for scanned human anatomy. In 2022, Virtual Anatomy received the prestigious E&T Innovation Award as “Best Emerging Technology of the Year” as well as the silver medal in the category “Most Innovative Solution in Digital Health and Social Care”.

The JKU medSPACE – lecture hall, laboratory, forum and stage at the same time – is a perennial collaborative research project. Here, medical professors teach anatomy in a completely new way: Students and professors wear 3D glasses to inspect the human body: Organs and blood vessels, muscles and tendons, bones and ligaments, as well as tumors and injuries can be magnified to tiniest details as three-dimensional objects in razor-sharp clarity.

The JKU medSPACE is an example of how expertise in different fields, artistic input, curiosity and openness create a breeding ground for important innovation.

Key People

Franz A Fellner
Department of Virtual Morphology and Central Radiology Institute,  Johannes Kepler University and Kepler University Hospital

Klaus Engel
Senior Principal Key Expert
Digital Technology and Innovation,  Siemens Healthineers

Roland Haring
Technical Director
Ars Electronica Futurelab




Opening of JKU medSPACE, Prof. Fellner showcasing the potentials of Virtual Anatomy for teaching medical students. Credit: tom mesic

The transdisciplinary team behind the JKU medSPACE: Klaus Engel from Siemens Healthineers, Horst Hörtner, Friedrich Bachinger and Roland Haring from the Ars Electronica Futurelab, Prof. Fellner from JKU. Credit: tom mesic

Virtual Anatomy Lecture in the JKU medSPACE in Linz, where the program is used to educate students as well as the public. Credit: JKU

Virtual Anatomy being shown at a public presentation the Deep Space 8K at the Ars Electronica Center in Linz. Credit: Ars Electronica / Robert Bauernhansl

Virtual Anatomy in the Deep Space 8K at the Ars Electronica Center in Linz where public presentations are shown. Credit: Ars Electronica - Robert Bauernhansl

Cinematic Visualization of a human brain with 23 micron voxel resolution (550GB data) from the human organs atlas. Such data make it possible to zoom from the body and organ level into the cellular level, creating a “Google Maps” for the human body. Data Credits to “The Human Organs Atlas”

Zoom into the brain at 7 micron voxel resolution, scanned using hierarchical phase contrast tomography (HiP-CT) at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble. Data Credits to “The Human Organs Atlas”

The Cinematic Rendering navigation through the 3D data sets is done using an Xbox controller. Credit: JKU

Example of the student evaluation of the Virtual Anatomy and Patho-Anatomy course that takes place every semester. Credit: JKU Linz


Impacting lifes

More than 180.000 visitors have already experienced “Virtual Anatomy” based on “Cinematic Rendering” in the Ars Electronica Center in Linz – leaving with a whole new sense of inspiration and awe for the human body. The unique possibilities of the program are especially helpful for medical students – our physicians of tomorrow - that get to study Virtual Anatomy at the JKU medSpace of the JKU Linz regularly now. Surveys of satisfaction with the course consistently yield excellent ratings, and initial studies show learning gains of up to 40%. This is what our students say:
„Studying Anatomy can be frustrating for me at times, but the Virtual Anatomy course makes it very enjoyable and allows me to easily understand concepts which I am struggling with. I find the course extremely useful, interesting and fun!“ Mara Brasoveanu
"The course is my absolute favorite event in the preclinical phase. I benefit a lot, especially from the 3D sections, and can constantly repeat and expand my anatomy knowledge. The clinical references are very interesting and lighten up the whole course. Thank you!" Julia Albrecht
"Using elaborate 3D models, Prof. Fellner manages to bring us closer to the complex structures of human anatomy. Definitely the highlight of preclinical!" Johannes Eder
“I look forward to every lecture in the JKU medSpace. It is simply a pleasure to learn anatomy and radiology in this modern way, and it allows us students to understand the positional relationships of structures in a whole new dimension.” Agnes Kraxberger


Lessons learned

Ultimately, three factors were decisive for this idea to be realized so successfully: The coming together of three professionals from different disciplines, their enthusiasm for the project, and the will to work together beyond the limitations of specialties and current technological status. Always keeping in mind the future possibilities and diverse areas of application, from insights for the general public to highly specific lectures for medical professionals.

The fact that the JKU medSpace would ultimately emerge from the collaboration between Prof. Fellner of JKU and Klaus Engel of Siemens Healthineers was due not only to the support of JKU Rector Meinhard Lukas and Elin Dudra, Vice Rector for Medicine, but above all to an unexpected supporter: the public, that got to be part of the experience from the very beginning in the Deep Space 8K of the Ars Electronica Center in Linz, one of the most prestigious museums for art, technology and society worldwide. There, with the help of the Ars Electronica Futurelab that developed Deep Space 8K, Siemens Healthineers' "Cinematic Rendering" software was presented to the public for the first time in stereoscopic 3D – with an enthusiastic reception and enormous success. At this public interface the potential for "Virtual Anatomy" crystallized within a very short time.

As advice from this project, which is constantly evolving even after eight years, we would therefore like to share with you to think innovation bigger and to take society, its future and its enthusiasm with you as an incentive and momentum builder.


What's coming?

The JKU Linz has recently started an elaborate cooperation project with the Chair of Macroscopic and Clinical Anatomy at the Medical University of Graz under the supervision of Prof. Hammer. A 3D camera is being installed in the dissection room of the anatomy department in Graz so that anatomists from Graz can be called in during lectures in Linz and demonstrate the topic currently being discussed in three dimensions using specimens for all participants. In addition, in cooperation with the Ars Electronica Futurelab, a lecture hall will soon be set up in Graz that is similar to the JKU medSPACE in terms of its technical capabilities. In this way, the "Virtual Anatomy" lectures from Linz will also be available simultaneously to students in Graz, and in the same 3D quality. Another step in the future is the expansion of the highly popular science presentation series "Anatomy for Everyone - theatrum anatomicum" for the public.

Siemens Healthineers is working on "Cinematic Rendering" to integrate dynamic data from their high-speed computed tomography scanners, visualizing the beating heart and perfusion in an abdominal stent. Physiological imaging is unleashed using data from latest generation 7 Tesla MR scanners, enabling an increased MR signal with multinuclear imaging and spectroscopy. In addition, "Cinematic Rendering" will be further developed towards multimodal and functional imaging. Moreover, zooming from the whole body to organ systems and organs down into the cellular domain will be enabled using micrometre resolution synchrotron data from the "Human Organ Atlas Project".



Student lectures per year


Medical students per year in the weekly course "Virtual Anatomy and Patho-Anatomy" at JKU medSPACE


Visitors of the post graduate and public events at JKU medSPACE


Visitors to special “Cinematic Rendering” presentations in the Ars Electronica Center's Deep Space 8K since 2015, in total


Visitors to "Virtual Anatomy" demonstrations in the Ars Electronica Center's Deep Space 8K per year


180.000 Visitors to general "Virtual Anatomy" demonstrations in the Ars Electronica Center's Deep Space 8K since 2015, in total


gigabytes of data are rendered for a human organ HiP-CT brain scan


pixels are computed per second (stereo 8k projection, 60hz per eye)


total light paths are computed for a full quality 8k image

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