Clean&Circle Centre of Competence was established in March 2018 as both a partnership association and a scientific-technological and infrastructural project, with a focus on environmental and clean biotechnologies. These ideas have their roots as far back as 1996 when the first in Environmental Biotechnology was created at the University of Sofia, Faculty of Biology.
Clean&Circle was created with funding secured from project BG05M2OP001-1.002-0019, which aims to build new effective infrastructure and research capacity for the development of high and deep technologies in the circular economy, with a focus on water, energy, and waste management. The total budget for the project is EUR 12,122,073,57, of which EUR 10,303,762,53 comes from European funding. The ecosystem of Clean&Circle consists of a distributed infrastructure of 8 institutional scientific and university partners and the largest clean technology companies in Bulgaria - Enterprise for Waste Treatment and Veolia. Technologies ready for transfer to business have already been created.
The new building for the Clean&Circle is currently under construction and will be completed by the second half of 2023. The building will feature specially designed ecological features.
Modern research complexes for water, waste, molecular biological studies, as well as ecological, chemical, and biological technologies will be housed within the building to support STEM and entrepreneurial skills. Plasma sources and equipment for creating plasma technologies for innovative processing of toxic pollutants, pathogens, and hybrid technologies will be in the underground facility. Once operational, the laboratories will be equipped with cutting-edge devices worth over 5,5 million EUR.