
Community Engagement Initiative of the Year Award

Tertúlias do Montado - a dialogue platform between science and society towards sustainability goals

Finalist of the Community Engagement Initiative of the Year Award

MED - Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development, Évora University - Portugal

"Creating a springboard for collective actions towards sustainable agroforestry"

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(Official MED Facebook account – example of a publication about the Tertúlias do Montado)
(Official YouTube channel of Tertúlias do Montado)

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The Award Ceremony for this entry (award category "Community Engagement Initiative of the Year ") will take place on 26 June 2023, 18:45 to 19:45 CEST.


“Tertúlia do Montado” exists because collective actions to reach sustainability are urgent.

Even after 8 years of existence, the participation rate is increasing. How come?
No other initiative, targeting the Montado, has lasted for so long.

Tertúlia is not just another project, it stands for a vision, follows principles and believes. “Tertúlias do Montado” lasts because it creates a safe space for co-construction where different perspectives meet, change and evolve.

Tertúlias do Montado is about connecting and being connected. By connecting we motivate collective actions that aim to solve the current decline of the Montado, a threatened high nature value farming system.

The initiative is developed by a small team of researchers based on the Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development (MED) of the University of Évora.

In Tertúlias using systems thinking, participatory approaches and pragmatism we lead and facilitate knowledge co-creation that induce changes in the practices of the initiative participants, i.e.: researchers, students, landowners, land managers, public administration, policy makers, private companies and non-governmental organizations.

All events are free, open to everyone and publicly announced.

In the blog all session reports can be consulted ( Our contact list includes around 400 contacts. The initiative impacts include: 1) new management practices being implemented, 2) synergies and networks emerging, 3) the organization of farmers tailored training options, and 4) new policies that support farmers in achieving production and conservation outcomes in the Montado.

Key People

Mª Helena Guimarães
Researcher PhD
MED - Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development

Teresa Pinto Correia
Full Professor
MED - Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development

Isabel Ferraz de Oliveira
Assistant Professor
MED - Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development


We would like to thank all the Tertulians who make this initiative happen, contributing to the continuous exchange of experiences and knowledge co-creation, essential to the preservation of the Montado system. We would also like to acknowledge the National Funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology under the Project UIDB/05183/ 2020.


At the end of one of the Tertúlias at MED

Using serious games to integrate knowledge

Meeting the industry that depends on the Montado health

At the end of one of our visits at Cork Supply, Porto, Portugal

Picnic time, its not only about sharing knowledge its also about food

Briefing the results of group discussions

Working in smaller groups is a routine during indoor Tertúlias

The 1st Tertúlia after Covid 19


In the Montado seing, talking and feeling


Impacting lifes

Tertúlias are made with and by their participants. Each person brings something different. A Tertúlia would not be the same if another person had been there. As such each Tertúlia is unique and cannot be replicated.

As promoters, the most amazing story was of one Montado landowner that overcame a limitative shyness and started interacting with key players that she wouldn't before. This is just an example of a general observation that in Tertúlias participants evolve, and what at the beginning was a challenge is overcome and understood differently.

Yet, it is also delightful to read how the participants see the initiative:

“The architect Ribeiro Telles once said: “Do you know what the Montado mystery is? It's us going in, not knowing the paths, and only seeing trees ahead. Everything is possible, and everything happens all the time. There is always a mystery ahead of us." In Tertúlias do Montado's we learn to understand the Montado mysteries through the complementary visions of its participants: scientists and empiricists. Science does not give us absolute answers because reality is richer than any vision announced in a theory... and that's why, despite all the limitations, the Tertúlias do Montado have no end in sight.”
“In Tertúlias I broadened my view of the Montado, I was able to open up the spirit of the importance of the Montado and got motivated to try to improve the system.”


Lessons learned

We learned the importance of face to face interactions.
Knowledge is not just what we say, it's how we say it, so the transfer, the incorporation and the clarity is much higher when people meet.

To deal with misinformation we need socialization of knowledge where understanding and trust building occurs.
Misinformation and fake news are recurrent and impacts enlarged by the fast pace of dissemination. The world is presented to us in a few clicks. Understanding and trust are fundamental to establish a genuine dialogue that, nurtured with critical thinking, motivates participants to change and take action.

Co-construction does not imply consensus. We can agree that we disagree and the most important aspect is not agreement but the sharing.

Co-construction means looking at the world together, sharing interpretations and creating meaning. So for those interested in transdisciplinarity and stakeholder engagement our advice is to promote long-term processes, think ahead and define a broader horizon while promoting dialogue between science and society. The focus should be on supporting engagement structures with liberty to evolve at their own pace, with a co-created agendas with sufficient flexibility to adapt. And of course, work with integration experts and expertise. Creating dialogue is much more than getting people together.


What's coming?

The initiative is centered on solving problems, so the actions discussed in Tertúlias have consequences i,e, a multiplier effect), for example:

Managers of the Montado are working with soil scientists to improve the Montado soil health.

This year the 4th edition of a training for farmers about how to improve the health of the Montado will happen.

We coordinate the implementation of a results-based payment for the Montado, under Pillar II of the Common Agriculture Policy. The start of this process goes back to 2017 where, in Tertúlias, we started discussing what policy could contribute to the Montado resilience.

This year, the coordinator of the initiative became member of the leadership board of the International Alliance of Inter- and Transdisciplinarity (ITD); so the learning from Tertúlia can contribute to a worldwide discussion of how to implement more and better ITD.

In the future of the initiative we have three main goals:
1- To create new synergies between the participants of Tertúlias and improve their own leadership capacity in implementing collective actions.
2- The spreading of Tertúlias in other contexts. Many other issues related to the way we manage natural resources need dialogue platforms that follow the transferable procedures of Tertúlias do Montado
3- Many topics are yet to be tackled in Tertúlias, so in the future we will continue to design events where knowledge is exchanged, questions are raised, some are answered while others will be picked up in the near future.



individuals in “Tertúlias do Montado” contact list

> 200

participants from 2016 up to 2023


different institutions involved in the Tertúlias do Montado


growth in participants since 2016 up to 2023


of face-to-face facilitated interactions between researchers, farmers, public administration, policy makers and non-governmental institutions


of its participants consider that the initiative is likely to contribute to the sustainability of the Montado


are satisfied with their participation


recommend “Tertúlias do Montado” to friends, colleagues or family


visits to the Tertúlias do Montado blog since 2016(


participants of the “Tertúlias do Montado” interact in daily basis in the initiative WhatsApp Group

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