
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Team of the Year (Rising Star) Award

South African Chair Initiative (SARChI): Entrepreneurship Education

Finalist of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Team of the Year (Rising Star) Award

University of Johannesburg - South Africa

" Developing Capacity for, with and as Entrepreneurs"

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(The School of Management is the school that SARChI: EE is situated in The centre is well-aligned to the vison of this school and in the College of Business and Economics)
(Official UJ Website and SARChI page)

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The Award Ceremony for this entry (award category "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Team of the Year (Rising Star) ") will take place on 27 June 2023, 18:45 to 19:45 CEST.


The South African Chair Initiative Entrepreneurship Education (SARChI EE) was awarded to the University of Johannesburg in 2019. The center aims to build human capacity and create knowledge on post-school entrepreneurship education. The core team consists of three dynamic female professors that promote creative problem-solving methodologies and creates knowledge to empower others. SARChI EE's footprint goes beyond national borders. With the incorporation of a Head (knowledge creation), Hands (action-oriented) and Heart (empathy) model in all projects, the center has become a leading hub in Entrepreneurship Education.

Key achievements of SARChI EE include:
• The first center of its kind in Africa that promotes research on EE, teaching and developing new programs to enhance systemic integration in institutions;
• Ten international visiting professors and one Postdoctoral Research Fellow assisting in creating knowledge;
• Team members review national and international programs, research and best practices that involve entrepreneurial mindsets;
• Team members actively mentor students and staff;
• The center has developed and promoted various toolkits and publications on entrepreneurship education;
• The team incorporates Alumni in forums for students to enhance the application of knowledge;
• The team leader has been awarded a Doctor Honoris Causa in Entrepreneurship at a Polish university;
• Another is a co-author in the South African Global Entrepreneurship Monitor;
• Another core member is a qualified coach and a provocateur for change;
• The team offers leadership in incorporating a humanist philosophy to enhance the awareness of entrepreneurial possibilities that goes beyond the start-up narrative.

Key People

Natanya Meyer
Associate Professor and core team member of the chair
SARChI Entrepreneurship Education and Department of Business Management,  University of Johannesburg

Cecile Nieuwenhuizen
Full Professor and Chair
DHET-NRF SARChI Entrepreneurship Education,  University of Johannesburg

Thea Tselepis
Associate Professor and core team member of the chair
SARChI Entrepreneurship Education and Department of Business Management,  University of Johannesburg

Khethukuthula Gumede
Research Assistant
SARChI Entrepreneurship Education,  University of Johannesburg


Acknowledgement to the South African Department of Higher Education and the South African National Research Foundation for funding of projects. A special word of thanks to the University of Johannesburg for its continuous support in our endeavours. In addition, we want to thank the team at EDHE for their contribution to entrepreneurship development in the South African higher education sphere. Thank you, to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), for the platform they provide to conduct research on entrepreneurship, which has been valuable in shaping the global entrepreneurship landscape and important policy implications throughout the years.


Prof Cecile Nieuwenhuizen Graduation Poland

Sarchi Team


Sarchi Offices

Women-owned Businesses presentation

Presentation (Italy)

EDHE Session Chair

Sarchi Team

Prof Cecile Nieuwenhuizen Graduation Poland


Impacting lifes

Our goal in society is to support and enhance the story of "the enterprise" (humans with plans) through our "heads, hand and heart model". We apply our knowledge creation (research), actions (supervision, teaching and coaching), passion, and empathy for people to empower. Several initiatives have been launched since the inception of the Chair. Some impactful initiatives that promote inclusivity and equality are: Our development of an inclusive textbook for entrepreneurship is currently used throughout South Africa. The book illustrates the real stories of South African entrepreneurs through practical hands-on case studies. Lecturer material is also provided to empower education. We further promote access to education to students who would not have had access to opportunities such as short learning programs or postgraduate education that have benefitted from the center's funding and the core team's talent. Students have shared in evaluations that they are more empowered. Based on our research, we have developed some education programs and toolkits for and with prominent role-players. Our teaching and learning practices promote access to all as it supports diverse backgrounds. We also share research findings with policymakers and the popular media so that it ignites action. We have actively mobilized women and those who show readiness for becoming enterprising in adjudicating the International Women of Stature awards, promotions of staff and creating awareness of female entrepreneurship in the GEM report. As three entrepreneurial women in society, we aim to lead by example and share our positive team spirit.


Lessons learned

The philosophy that underpins our leadership and decision-making is humanist. This philosophy promotes a holistic approach to being or becoming more entrepreneurial. Our most successful capacity building involves positioning people in teams according to their strengths, and we have learned that this enables us to add value. Our role is beyond just igniting the power that others already have, but also the responsibility to create projects, spaces and opportunities for others who might not have had access to life-giving platforms. Even in a country like South Africa, with significant inequality, no human is powerless! We have learned that it is a matter of framing problems through a creative lens that often goes beyond the obvious approaches. Allowing people to connect to the aspects they are good at to pursue or create opportunities. Another significant lesson in our team is the notion of people's readiness for a project or initiative. We have learned that as leaders, we must create opportunities and just-right challenges for those we aim to empower. When students or staff, or team members are challenged in a way that enables them to connect and respond, a sense of accomplishment is gained by an entire team. The final lesson we share is the one about work and life balance as it becomes increasingly essential in leadership and in a time where work-life flexibility often takes its toll. We have time to recuperate our strengths through creative interaction with ourselves, family, and friends, as well as others in society.


What's coming?

As we are still a new team, only starting in mid-2019, we still have many plans. Unfortunately, Covid-19 also set some of our projects back, as actively working with students and the community during this time was difficult. However, as reflected in the previous sections, we still accomplished many milestones. The Chair is funded in 5-year cycles, and we are up for renewal in mid-2024. We are optimistic that we will receive another 5-year term in which we plan to increase the number of postgraduate students, appoint more postdoctoral students and enhance our teaching methods. We plan to develop more toolkits as they have proved very valuable and helpful to the end users (students and staff). Our research aims to answer numerous research questions and gaps about the entrepreneurial landscape, and we plan to roll this out to include more national and international teams. We currently have some projects in the pipeline which will address this goal. Working with other national and international teams can improve impact and promote learning from one another. Research and teaching are essential components of our team, but we want to work more actively on the ground level, assisting communities to increase their entrepreneurial potential actively. We are currently working with some units in the university to set up a community incubator which will provide valuable training, coaching, and funding opportunities to participating incubates.



Number of students taught


Number of toolkits developed


Number of national collaborations on projects


Number of international collaborations on projects


Number of media appearances on the topic of entrepreneurship


Textbooks edited


Chapter contributions


The number of students reached through books prescribed at universities throughout South Africa


Peer-reviewed Research articles and Conference Proceedings


Number of total citations of core team

15 000 000 ZAR

Funds to the University of Johannesburg: SARChI Entrepreneurship Education, research and postgraduate output


Graduated postgraduate students supervised to completion

394 000 ZAR

Research project funds


Employees in family businesses of the Chair, TotalCare and TotalPeople


Doctor Honoris Causa in Entrepreneurship from Krakow University of Economics (Chair)

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