
Male Entrepreneurial Leader of the Year Award

Ahmed Onsy

Finalist of the Male Entrepreneurial Leader of the Year Award

University of Central Lancashire, UK - United Kingdom

"Diamond Leadership! (Multi-facets Entrepreneurial Leadership in Higher Education) "

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The Award Ceremony for this entry (award category "Male Entrepreneurial Leader of the Year ") will take place on 27 June 2023, 17:30 to 18:30 CEST.


The Diamond leadership is a holistic leadership model that includes multi-facet strands of operation, which characterise my entrepreneurial leadership over the past 30 years of my career in HE and industry. In 2014, I joined UCLan Engineering, taking different leadership roles, Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Principal Lecturer, Deputy Head, and Associate Dean, during which I support people's future, staff, students, research, industry, and the community at the institutional, national and international levels. My leadership model combines visionary and coaching approaches to support young leaders and people.

I am using the visionary approach with long-term goals, so the team members engage with these goals at different levels with different roles, while I use the coaching approach to create a positive supportive environment with devoted time to support staff in achieving the KPIs. Three key entrepreneurial competencies that characterise me; are business vision, creativity, and communication.

I work with the school stakeholders to develop the business vision, five years growth plan, including goals and KPIs that contribute to the university's strategic vision. Many examples of how I'm successfully utilising the Diamond leadership model, include growing school recruitment by 100%, Industrial Advisory Boards, £2m externally funded projects for staff and student exchange worldwide, developing labs & equipment provision, achieving research goals in Mechatronics and Intelligent Machines, developing engineering clubs, summer school and CPD programmes, the ‘EAZE’ Programme ‘Entrepreneurship and Start-up for Engineers’, and building collaborations with industry nationally and internationally, I work with colleagues across the school and UCLan to achieve these goals.

Key People

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Onsy
Associate Dean School of Engineering & Computing for Business Development and Partnerships
University of Central Lancashire


I'm honoured to be selected as a finalist in the category 'Male Entrepreneurial Leader of the Year' of the 2023 ACEEU Global Triple E Awards on Entrepreneurship and Engagement Excellence in Higher Education. This recognition is a true reflection of the entrepreneurial and collaborative achievements at the University of Central Lancashire and School of Engineering that truly represents UCLan values. Thanks to the support being received from Prof Graham Baldwin, UCLan Vice-Chancellor, UCLan VC Group and Senior management, Prof Ian Allison, Executive Director of Digital Transformation, Prof Michael Fernando, Dean of Engineering and Computing, Paul Rowe, Director of International Partnerships, and Emma Speed, Creative Innovation Zone and Enterprise Manager. Thank you, UCLan School of Engineering team.

UCLan ..... Where opportunity creates success.


UCLan Engineering Entrepreneurship and Start-up Programme_EASE

UCLan Engineering Academy Summer School 2022

UCLan Engineering Academy Summer School 2022_2

AASTMT Industrial Advisory Board 2022

UCLan Engineering Erasmus Scholarships 2021

UCLan Engineering CPD Programme 2022


UCLan School of Engineering, Engineering Clubs

UCLan School of Engineering, EASE Programme

UCLan Engineering, Industrial Advisory Boards


Impacting lifes

I work with UCLan teams to achieve the school growth plan utilising the Diamond entrepreneurial leadership model to support 200 staff and ~6000 students in 7 academic areas. This includes developing many strands in three key directions; innovation and enterprise to develop the school's growth and industry, teaching and learning to support engineers of the future, and Mechatronics research to improve our future. The strands below demonstrate the successful impacts of the Diamond leadership model:
-100% Growth in five years/ ~ 6000 students: The school recruitment increased by 100% in five years and ~6000 students enrolled in the school.
- 7 IABs/ 50 Companies: Developing sustainable links with industry through ‘UCLan Engineering Industrial Advisory Boards’ (IABs). The school run seven IABs in different engineering areas, and 50 companies are expected to attend IABs during 2022/23.
-5 Summer School programmes/ 800 International students/ 42 CPD programmes: I have developed the ‘Engineering Academy Summer School’ and ‘CPD’ Programmes since 2015, 650 students attended, and 150 students are expected to attend programmes this summer at UCLan, UK campus.
-‘EASE’ programme 1000 Students/ Increase employability by 15%: Developing student enterprises including entrepreneurship and Start-up ‘EASE’ programme, targeting student employability to increase by 15% in the next three years through extra-curricular activities, and Engineering clubs for UG and PG students.
-£2m fund/ 530 Scholarships: Since 2016, I secured funding totalling ~£2m, that offered 530 scholarships.
-5000 people to benefit from the 'SIEe-TH' programme: Developing people's professional skills and knowledge.
-1000 students enrol at UCLan Egypt Hub.


Lessons learned

The success of any organisation relay on several factors, however, people and leadership remain the main factors. In the current world environment, entrepreneurial leadership is essential for any institution not only to drive the success of the institution but also to develop sustainable people’s future.

Entrepreneurial leadership in academia is vital as it could play an important role in developing the future of humanity. The implementation of the multi strands leadership model in Higher Education presented here is based on the Multi-facets Entrepreneurial Leadership model as a holistic approach that shows multisided developments in higher education and could grow using the Diamond entrepreneurial leadership model to support people's future; staff, students, research, industry, and the community at several levels including the institutional level, the national and international levels.

Diamond leadership is a sustainable entrepreneurial leadership model that could be developed at other higher education institutions allowing one development to be expanded beyond the national and international levels. It is all about people and the Diamond leadership model has proven its success and could be implemented by working with the aim of people's future.


What's coming?

The plan is to continue utilising the Diamond leadership model to support people's future; staff, students, research, industry, and the community at several levels including the institutional level, the national, EU and international levels. The following strands are undergoing development in the next five years:
 School of Engineering and Computing growth by 100% to reach 10000 students, by 2026.
 10 UCLan Engineering Industrial Advisory Boards supported by 100 companies, by 2024
 UCLan Hub in Egypt to educate 3000 students, by 2026
 The EASE programme to support 1000 UCLan students, by 2026
 The EASE International online portal to support 1000 students/ year at UCLan UK campuses, Cyprus, Italy, and partners in Egypt by 2025
 The Engineering Academy Summer school programmes run every year to support 300 international students/ year and reach 2000 students by 2026
 The SIEe-TH (Skills, Innovation and Enterprise e-Training) Hub to develop 5000 people/ year in the UK, EU and internationally by 2025.
The above strands will support gender and age equality, diversity, and inclusion by offering them to a wider diversity of beneficiaries and ensuring equal and meaningful opportunities for people of different genders and ages to be involved throughout the project. These strands are continuing to develop many activities using the Diamond leadership model which will have many potential positive impacts on people of different genders, both throughout the project and beyond.



Supporting ~6000 Engineering Students enrolled on UCLan School of Engineering Programmes


The School recruitment increased by 100% in five years.


Developing of sustained external funding for students and research.


530 Scholarships (Undergraduate: 280, MSc: 40, PhD:40, Staff Training: 40, Staff Exchange: 90) since 2017.


1000 students to benefit from the extra-curricular activities, Engineering clubs, and the ‘EASE’ 'Entrepreneurship and Start-up for Engineers' programme.


To increase students' employability by 15% in the next three years.


800 International students attending UCLan Engineering Summer School programmes by Aug 2023.

10 & 42

10 ‘Engineering Academy Summer School’ and 42 ‘CPD’ Programmes

7 & 50

Developing sustainable links with industry through ‘UCLan Engineering Industrial Advisory Boards’, 7 IABs that collaborate with 50 Companies


1000 students to enrol at UCLan Egypt TNE Hub


5000 people to benefit from the 'SIEe-TH' programme: Developing people's professional skills and knowledge


Director of Studies, PI of 8 Research Projects: Research Labs:

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